August 3, 2019

Jordan Peterson on Egyptian Gods

So, I'm not trying to ruffle feathers and I know that Jordan Peterson is called a heartless intellectual and worse. It might be true. I personally feel that people should be free to alter and express themselves however they wish, which will soon begin a constellation of profound genetic modification and eventually the need to reimagine ourselves as a collection of sentient species who shepherd worlds. Sorry, I'm getting off-topic. Maybe he is heartless, but I have learned from the heartless before. I learned lessons from the attempted mugging when I got punched in the face. Hopefully, this goes down easier for you.

It's a 15 minute video about the Egyptian Gods that I find highly engaging.

... I'll be watching this again later. I don't really know what to say about it. I just like to share the treasures that I find.

I'm pretty well convinced by now that proper storytelling is all about archetypes and engagement. DMing takes an even subtler touch due to the openended exploration aspects.

1 comment:

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