Average Treasure per room (multiply by level of dungeon)
0.035 Gemstones (that fraction is worth 14gp)
0.0105 Jewelry objects (that fraction is worth 36.75gp)
If you convert all that to it's value in gp, then...
Dungeon Level 1 = 115.825gp per room
Dungeon Level 2 = 231.65gp per room
Dungeon Level 3 = 347.475gp per room
and so on...
if dungeon level 3 has 40 rooms then on average 13,899gp worth of
treasure will be available for plunder on that level of the dungeon (3 X
115.825gp X 40 = 13,899gp). This total does not include the occasional
magic item or treasure map
which turns up just as often as a piece of jewelry (a little over 1 such
item per 100 rooms).
I arrived at this average total by
running out the numbers from the random dungeon creation tables in the
DMG (specifically V.F. and V.G on pg171). I also used these values for average gems and jewelry that I found over on Dragonsfoot. I should note that you can't get mixed treasure if you actually use the charts in the DMG.
Each treasure horde would be a single thing, like a pile of copper
pieces, or a sack of silver coins, or d4 gems, or a piece of jewelry;
never a big mixture of treasure.
to those charts, 5% of the rooms have unguarded treasure and another
have larger treasure piles guarded by monsters. That leaves 80% of the
rooms devoid of treasure. So, in the average random dungeon the party
would actually have the opportunity to find a treasure horde in every
fifth room. The average treasure horde on dungeon level 1 would be...
0.175 Gemstones (that fraction is worth 70gp)
0.052 Jewelry (that fraction is worth 183.75gp)
Total value = 579.125gp
not sure what I'm going to do with these numbers, if anything. I was
thinking of houseruling some treasure tables when I went off on this
side quest. I did find the results interesting, so I thought I'd share